Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Most people have seen The Dark Knight. One theme that seemed prevelant in the movie is the use of schoolbuses. One was used as a getaway vehicle for the Joker in the beginning of the movie after he pulls off a major bank robbery. They get away with it because the school bus blends in with a big procession of other schoolbuses taking children home from school. In another scene, school buses are used to take hospital patients out of a hospital that eventually gets blown up by the Joker. But the Joker hops into one of them after blowing up the hospital as it pulls away by using a back entrance. I wonder if there is some kind of symbolism here that has something to do with concealed danger in our schools or some kind of detrimental effect that they have... I wonder if this is some kind of symbolic metaphor cleverly scripted into the movie.

I'd have to say that I find public schools to be at the very least detrimental to my own personal mental health. The social aspects of them have negatives that far exceed the positives and the educational aspects of them continue to be increasingly lacking. Children are overworked to memorize information they won't retain and often won't understand. Kids are more likely to get sick in public schools because many of them aren't clean and with so many kids near each other it's kinda gross. Plus with all the school shootings that happen I have to say that I wouldn't feel comfortable if my little sister still went to public school. I went to public school through 8th grade and now both my little sister and I are homeschooled. We love it and are grateful that our mom is able to stay home with us so we can do it.

Still, any ideas whether The Dark Knight is trying to convey some kind of hidden meaning there?

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posted by AnisaBurger! at 11:07 PM |


At September 24, 2008 at 2:03 AM, Blogger KatieEhh said........
wow, i've never thought of the black knight's hidden meaning, but i TOTALLY see where your coming from. I bet there was a hidden meaning in there.

At September 24, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
As I said to you personally over AIM, I never would have seen that kind of symbolism before. I mean it might be a nod to director Chris Nolan's own personal beliefs about the school system, however, I don't see where it would fit in with the actual movie. I've heard of directors employing little quirks and such, because it's a trademark of theirs, or maybe it's, as I said, maybe an issue that came up somewhere or that they have a particular strong opinion about, so it comes up in movies. I don't know if it works as far as the context of the plot. But it could very well have a message similar to what you're saying, based on the director's own personal opinion! Great eye for that!

At September 24, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Blogger AnisaBurger! said........
Katie: Thanks!

Billy: I don't think the metaphor actually ties into the movie at all. I do think it's just a personal belief that they tried to cleverly convey through a hugely popular film. Like you said! Haha, thanks babe.