Sunday, September 28, 2008
I woke up at 7 am instinctively on Saturday after what I'm guessing was a good 4 or 5 hours of sleep. I woke up the family and we woke up and got ready. FINALLY I GOT OUR MINUTES ACTIVATED. Virgin Mobile is the shit... tiest phone company we've ever used. I had a horrible time activating our cheap ass phone and then I had to wait till the next morning to activate the minutes. Anyways, I got it working. Dave let dad borrow his truck to drive us to the airport so we loaded it up and went. It was hard leaving the boys (what we call our dogs, they're like my mom's sons or something), but they didn't seem to understand what was going on. They miss us though, Dad told us.

On the drive to the airport I was kinda scared. But we all talked the whole time which helped. We got there and parked and got our luggage together. Finally we walk inside, and our first mission is to get three of our suitcases checked and print out our boarding passes. The line was long but it moved quickly. Dad had called the Philidelphia airport and asked for a wheelchair for my mom since she has nerve damage in her legs so DIA got her a wheelchair too. After we got the wheelchair we went to security where we got to go to the front of the line cause of the wheelchair. I had to take off my shoes and my sweatshirt and put all my stuff in bins, then walk through a doorway thing. I got all my stuff back and we went to get on a train that was similar to a subway. It took us to our terminal and it was so much fun! It remided me of the Harry Potter books where they take underground tunnels in carts at the Gringotts Bank. There were bunches of fans on the walls down there that spun when we went really fast. Going on the train kinda made me relax a bit about going on a plane.

Then we went to a French bistro for brunch. I got wikki sticks, yay!! Also I ordered penne with butter and parmesean which I ate half of and took the other half of it on the plane. I had sprite too but they put too much seltzer in it so I just drank water. We went to check in for our flight, and we got to ride on these conveyor belts that make you go faster. They made me kinda dizzy and they're hard to get on and off of. Then we got to the place where you wait to board your flight and asked the lady at the desk if Mom, Aliya and I could sit together. She was so hard-hearted! She said maybe she could get Aliya and Mom to sit together. Ugh I was so distressed cause the only thing that made me feel better about going on the plane was the thought that I could sit with my family. Finally we got on the plane and this really nice lady switched seats with us so we could all sit together. Here's a picture of the plane I took while waiting to board:

The plane started to take off and I was kinda nervous. But I had the window seat so I got to look outside and it was amazing! I really enjoyed looking at the landscape getting smaller and smaller. On the plane they served drinks so I got cran apple juice and I ate my leftover pasta and I also got a warm cookie towards the end of the flight. They had tv's in the plane and towards the end of the flight I watched the episode of The Office where they go to a job fair and part of an episode of Monk. During most of the flight though I looked out the window and listened to my iPod. Here are some of the pictures I took during the flight:
^^ Can anyone tell me if that's the Mississippi? I really think it is... ^^
The flight lasted longer than expected, so when it finally landed I was relieved! Landing in Philadelphia was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I'm sorry I couldn't take pictures during it because it was truly remarkable. It was like swimming in a sea of clouds at first, and there were little floating cloud islands and clouds above other clouds and spaces in between the clouds and all sorts of amazing things. And then when we got a peek at the ground below we saw trees turning autumn colors and hill and valleys and little houses and towns. I saw a baseball field and track and football field and they looked so tiny! We started to fly over the city and I saw lots of buildings and roads and cars. We started to fly over a river. Does anyone know the name of the river in or near Philadelphia? As we were flying over it we started getting lower and lower... and lower and I was just thinking PLEASE LET THERE BE A RUNWAY REAL NEARBY and just when I thought we were all gonna drown a big pavement runway showed up. Boy, it was exciting.

It took forever to get off the plane and it was really hot on the plane while waiting. Eventually we did get off and my mom's wheelchair escort was waiting for us.

The woman at Philly International Airport who was assigned to be my mom's wheelchair pusher was like, Sonic the Hedgehog. Aliya and I were panting and huffing and puffing and running after her to keep up. I didn't like PIA because it wasn't as nice as DIA and it seemed kinda run-down. I was nervous. On the airplane we got to sit with each other again, but unfortunately the world's most obnoxious woman ever was seated behind me. She kept saying things like "It's kinda hot in here isn't it people?!" and stuff. Nobody answered her cause she seemed either drunk or just really obnoxious and neither is a good option. They were putting new tires on the plane but they weren't the right tires so they had to get different tires. It took an hour which upset Obnoxious Lady. "You'd think they could do this before the passengers boarded huh people?!" THE PLANE JUST LANDED, IDIOT MCIDIOTPANTS. She got on my nerves throughout the flight. By the time we were ready to take off, it was dark outside which scared me. Also it has just rained. There was lots of turbulance and I didn't like this flight much at all, though I did get cran apple juice again. We landed just as I was starting to feel nauseous. I can understand why they needed to put new tires on the plane earlier, this pilot landed the plane like a maniac! We were going SO fast and I was terrified and then he had to like, brake really hard. But finally we got off the plane.

At the Florida Airport we found out that they lost our checked luggage! Ugh. Then we had to find Aunt Karin, which we did eventually. Then we had to find her car, which was really hard but we did it and headed to her house.

The next day they delivered our luggage really late. But we finally got clean clothes. Finally, our journey is complete!
posted by AnisaBurger! at 4:15 PM | 3 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
In looking closely at my new template, I noticed at the very bottom of the page that it says "(If she floats or drowns.)"

I'd like to say that I believe she floats. She starts to sing a melodious song, begging the sea gods to please spare her. Her voice sounds so sweet that they calm the waters and create a soft tide to carry her to the shore.

Or perhaps a handsome fisherman would hear her screaming and would steer his fishing boat to her and pull her out of the water. They'd fall in love at first sight, and he'd take her to the shore in his fishing boat and take her to his mother's house where she could warm up by a fire in a robe while his mother washed her dress. Then she'd walk home, but her and the fisherman would court and eventually get married. They'd live in the little cape town in a cute house on the coast, have children and grow old together by the sea.

Or it could be that the sea is sucking her in for a reason. My theory is she could be a mermaid. She's scared because she doesn't realize what is happening, but as the sea is taking her under, she is developing a tail, and the ability to breathe underwater. And after she has made this transformation, the mermaid community welcomes her as the lost mermaid queen.

Things don't have to be so grim all the time, you see.

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posted by AnisaBurger! at 10:19 PM | 2 comments
I have just discovered that on my first plane I will be getting a small snack/brunch. Yay! I won't starve. Also dad's gonna try to get us a guide at the first airport we land in. This is great, exciting news. I'm still a little nervous... but I think things will be alright. We take off Saturday!
posted by AnisaBurger! at 8:02 PM | 0 comments
I think we're going to take the plane on Saturday. Ehh.

Anyways, last night I was watching Bewitched (the original tv series) and it's an episode where Samantha is pregnant with her second child and she starts getting cravings for food. And the bad part is, whenever she gets a craving for something, it poofs in her hand! So Dr. Bombay reverses the spell on her. But then, of course, whenever she gets a craving, she poofs to a place where she can get the food! Eventually Dr. Bombay fixes it and whenever Samantha gets a craving, nothing magically poofs.

This same scenario has been played out in a couple of the Bewitched episodes I've seen as well as on episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Not the exact pregnant cravings scenario, but with the whole inconvenient spell that gets "reversed" and then doubles in inconvenience. Instead of reversing spells, why don't television witches remove them? It's really quite ridiculous. It was clever and inventive when it was first scripted, I'm sure. But it's gotten old and foolish. Don't you agree?

Also, my favorite Bewitched quote from Dr. Bombay occurs in this episode! "Some day you're going to make a beautiful artichoke!" Haha! Though Endora is my favorite character, of course.

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posted by AnisaBurger! at 12:00 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I wonder if they'll serve warm nuts... *snicker*

So Mom, Aliya and I will fly and Dad will meet us with the RV a week or so later. I plan to report on how the flight (or flights depending on if there's a stop in between) goes and also what it's like at the airports. My flight in on Friday. Tomorrow will be kinda hectic I have to imagine. So here are a few last minute thoughts.

WHEN WILL I EAT. WHAT IF I HAVE FLIGHTS ALLLLL DAY. And most importantly, WHAT will I eat?! Isn't airline food supposed to be gross? That's all lame standup comedians complain about! And they're like, poor so if THEY think the food is crap then you know it's like, supercrap. I don't want to eat crap! But I'd rather have crap than go hungry. Now I want food. Mm, sushi.

Also, what if my iPod dies? I could play gameboy I guess, but that won't be very fun. I could read Life of Pi, maybe I'll actually finish it! Ooh yay! I'll probably have lots of fun sleeping.

Then I get to Florida! Okay, I'm excited.

Also my dad told me they put undercover security guards on planes now! Isn't that exciting?! It's like having batman on the plane with you. Just a normal guy flying on a plane until he puts on his super suit and starts bashing on bad guys! I'll feel all secure and nice knowing that any one of my fellow passengers could be there to protect me at any cost. Yay!

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posted by AnisaBurger! at 10:20 PM | 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Most people have seen The Dark Knight. One theme that seemed prevelant in the movie is the use of schoolbuses. One was used as a getaway vehicle for the Joker in the beginning of the movie after he pulls off a major bank robbery. They get away with it because the school bus blends in with a big procession of other schoolbuses taking children home from school. In another scene, school buses are used to take hospital patients out of a hospital that eventually gets blown up by the Joker. But the Joker hops into one of them after blowing up the hospital as it pulls away by using a back entrance. I wonder if there is some kind of symbolism here that has something to do with concealed danger in our schools or some kind of detrimental effect that they have... I wonder if this is some kind of symbolic metaphor cleverly scripted into the movie.

I'd have to say that I find public schools to be at the very least detrimental to my own personal mental health. The social aspects of them have negatives that far exceed the positives and the educational aspects of them continue to be increasingly lacking. Children are overworked to memorize information they won't retain and often won't understand. Kids are more likely to get sick in public schools because many of them aren't clean and with so many kids near each other it's kinda gross. Plus with all the school shootings that happen I have to say that I wouldn't feel comfortable if my little sister still went to public school. I went to public school through 8th grade and now both my little sister and I are homeschooled. We love it and are grateful that our mom is able to stay home with us so we can do it.

Still, any ideas whether The Dark Knight is trying to convey some kind of hidden meaning there?

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posted by AnisaBurger! at 11:07 PM | 3 comments